Dancing with truth and peace



June 2017



What Every Kid Needs From You

Written by , Posted in Your Family

“See you later, Mom. Love you,” they said as they sprang out of her car and walked towards our house. But before she headed to work for the day, she called her two children back to her. She put her arms around them and drew them close. Right there in my driveway, she prayed for them. The power of God and the care of a mom sent the kids on their way.

“Thanks for coming, Dad. Love you,” I said as we carried bags to his car. “Come here for a moment,” he said. He put his arm around me and drew me close. Right there in my driveway, he prayed for me. A week loaded with trials was suddenly injected with encouragement. The power of God and the care of a dad sent me on my way.

For the life of me, I have no clue why we don’t seize every opportunity to pray for others. Maybe it’s a lack of belief, courage or time. I’ve not once regretted praying for others or being prayed for by others. When someone prays for me, I feel the assurance of a child being pulled close to a father and The Father. When I pray for someone else, I feel God allowing me to be a conduit of His assurance.

Don’t you want to be the kind of person who puts your arm around someone, draws them close and prays for them – whether they be your kid, a relative, a neighbor or a friend? If so, consider the following:

The more I pray privately, the more I look for chances to pray with others. When my cup is full, I’m eager to give you a drink. When I’m empty, I’m too busy sulking or searching to concern myself with you. When I’m comfortable talking to God privately, I grow comfortable voicing those prayers with others.

The slower my pace is in life, the more I pray for you. When my life has margin, I spend extra time praying for my kids and wife at night. When my daily schedule has margin, I’m free to say, “Can I pray for you before I go.” Our church’s food pantry team has learned this truth. We’ve purposefully tweaked our system to allow for less hurried times with our clients. If we feel rushed, we’re less apt to listen well and pray earnestly.

The more I pray for people, the more apt they are to ask for help when they need it.

So parents, put your arm around your kids today and pray. Grandparents, write a prayer for your grandchildren and send it to them. Spouses, take time to pray before you go to bed. Dads, thank your kids for any Father’s Day gifts, but then tell them the greatest gift they can give you is to walk with God. Ask them if your family can pray for each other (they can’t refuse you on Father’s Day). Friends, when you hear of someone with a need, ask if you can pray about it before you part ways. Aunts, be known as the family member who always prays for your nephews and nieces.

Is your mind churning yet? Let’s pray for kids. Let’s pray for each other. God is listening.


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