Free Resources for Churches
Written by Brian Jennings, Posted in Blog
“For so long we as Christians in America have been known for taking a stand for issues, whether they be issues of morality, public policy, doctrines about Jesus and even conflicts with science. One thing we have not done is taking a seat with people that we disagree with on tough, sensitive topics and have a healthy conversation. Brian Jennings book, Dancing in No Man’s Land, was the resource that equipped us as a church on how to do manage the tensions of conviction and discernment, of humility and courage, and of grace and truth.”
Sy Huffer, Lead Minister of College Heights Christian Church
Divisions are growing in our word.
Help your church pursue God’s Truth and Peace.
The free, adaptable, digital kit includes:
• 6 Bible-based sermons (3 sermons unpacking the Biblical principles we need and 1 sermon each on race, political engagement, and church unity.)
• Small group discussion guides
• Graphics
• A phone call with Brian to help you prepare
Just buy the book for you (and for those leading with you). It’s available from NavPress, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and some discount retailers.
Then fill out the 30-second contact form (below) and we’ll send you the kit.
Week 1: Death in the Bunkers (Titus 3)
Big Idea: When we fight each other, Satan wins.
Week 2: Grace AND Truth (John 8:1-11)
Big Idea: Jesus offers grace and demands truth, never sacrificing either.
Week 3: Gentleness AND Strength (Colossians 3:12-17)
Big Idea: Gentleness is power under control.
Week 4: Divided Diversity (a brisk walk through Ephesians)
Big Idea: The mystery was/is that God wants to reconcile ALL people to him and each other.
Week 5: Political Mayhem (I Peter 2-3)
Big Idea: We are citizens of the One True King. All others kingdoms must fall under The Kingdom.
Week 6: Doctrine AND Relationships (Acts 18:24-28)
Big Idea: The big question is, “How can our church love one another while also guarding our doctrine?” The answer is discipleship.