Dancing with truth and peace



November 2015



She said 3 life-changing words

Written by , Posted in Blog, Your Church, Your Family

Just as we entered the party, she came running our way. I knelt down to give her a hug, but before I could, she stopped, her eyes widened, and three words sprang out of her mouth – life-changing, beautiful, dream-come-true words.

It’s the time of year when kids want a break from school, yummy food and new toys. But those wants pale in comparison to the want of this little girl. Her want is now a reality. Her prayers are answered. Her identity is completely reborn.

If you think I’m exaggerating, just look in her eyes (pictured above). You’ll see deep joy. I snapped the picture because I wanted to remember her three words.


I love adoption because it rescues kids. In this particular adoption, two precious kids will no longer worry about who their family will be tomorrow, or the next day, or the next day. They won’t have to worry about moving to a different foster family. They won’t have to worry about being separated from their new family and friends. They have a home, a family, a security.

I love adoption because it blesses the whole tribe. Adoption forever changed our family. At today’s party, cousins, aunts, uncles and friends celebrated together. Every life in that room was enriched today. A burdened foster care system was helped. A loving church was blessed. The planet became a better place today.

I love adoption because it reflects the heart of God. God repeatedly commands His people to care for the orphaned (see Exodus 22:22, James 1:27 for examples). It’s why the church so often valiantly leads the way in caring for vulnerable children.* Valerie is a lifelong friend of my wife. She’s my friend too, and I couldn’t be more proud of how she’s honoring God with her life. God’s love flows in and out of her heart. Thank you, Valerie. We celebrate with you. God is celebrating too.

I love adoption because it reminds me that I was adopted too. I didn’t experience the kind of adoption we saw today, but I do know what it’s like to be adopted by God. He calls us His children. We went from wanting to wanted, hopeless to hope-filled, abandoned to adopted (see Romans 8, Galatians 4, Ephesians 1).

I love adoption, and you should too.


*The church initiative that halved the number of kids waiting for families in Colorado, and Blackbox International’s fight to change the story of sex-trafficked boys stand as beautiful examples. While we have much to learn, improve and do, many wise, servant-hearted Christians are working tirelessly.


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